Celebrate AEROVERSE!
G17S… only 20 GModel 17’s were ever made. 19 of them actually came out of the factory and the 20th one was assembled from left over parts in Texas. This is Serial Number B-19, the last G-17 to leave the Beechcraft factory in 1949, the last of the US Bi-Plane era- this plane is an icon! It will be heading to its new home soon.
Rumored to be the loudest airplane ever made. XF-84H Thunderstreak (commonly know as the Thunderscreech). It only flew 12 times, all but one flight ending in an emergency. It was so loud it had to be towed miles from the tower at Edward’s AFB because of the tremendous noise it made, even at idle power. The story is kind of hilarious (except for the part where it injured people with the noise). Read up on it. You won’t be disappointed. Only 2 were built (I think). One is in the Air Force Museum. I’m going to see it sometime this summer if I can make the time.
June 11 — 30, 2024
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Hey Everyone! Throttle Jockey episode 3 just dropped! Check it out.
Working on the editing of Warbird Rebuilders episode 2! The Ezell’s are working hard to get several projects ready for AirVenture.