Met the man at OSH that’s rebuilding THAT Staggerwing… in New Zealand. NZ has a thriving GA community. They plan to have a mock-up of the crazy machine that hauled the airplane around. It was to be a vehicle combo to explore Antarctica. Pretty much everything went wrong with that wild plan. But is showcases how ideas become reality, and even in failure, many good things are developed no one could possibly predict.
Fort Worth, TX, United States
Professional pilot (ret). A&P, CFII, bi-plane nut, AKA the “Jungmann Master” according to Sport Aviation (total lol).
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Aug 19 at 06:21 PM
Nice to hear from you, Derek! We will definitely be contacting you. Lots of stuff happening, and I haven’t forgotten you. Keep posting! Jeff R. I notified our guy in charge of the tech stuff and you should be hearing from him soon.